Friday, June 25, 2010

Fruit waters

There's a lot of buzz about making fruit and flavored waters out there. There are some gadgets that are for sale, but basically, you can use a clean glass jar with a lid. All you need to do is cut up some fruit or herbs, add water, screw on the lid, and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours. Drain off the water, and it's very nicely flavored. I first heard this from someone who suggested the following combo:

A few slices of peeled cucumber, a slice or two of lemon, some slices of thinly sliced ginger, and mint (you could use a mint teabag -- it makes cleanup a bit easier).

She loves it -- I haven't tried this particular combo, but I have tried just lemon and ginger. BTW, my massage therapist commented that my skin was much MUCH softer than usual last night, and this is just after a few days.

Other possible combos:

Slices of melon and mint

Frozen fruit -- berries, mango, peaches (solo or in combo)

Lime and raspberry


Basil and canteloupe

slices of orange

etc etc etc.

It's easy, and cheap with a glass jar. No need to spend 20 bucks on a special container to "brew" this water! Leftover fruit can be eaten, or added to a smoothy. It's a great way to stay hydrated! Have fun with it, let me know if you find a particularly tasty combo. :-)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Homemade ice treats

Here's a thought -- get some molds for making homemade ice cream, or frozen juice treats. I got mine from Ikea, but I've seen them at other stores, too. I just puree the desired ingredients together, freeze for a few hours, and run hot water over the molds to get them to unstick. They come with their own handy plastic handle.

You can freeze any one of the following, or make up your own recipe:

- any fruit juice, plain, or blended with other fruits. For example, one whole banana pureed with pomegranate juice.

- pureed plain fruit, such as strawberries or raspberries. (this would be good if you brought home a large amount of fruit on sale and needed to put it up fast for later use)

- milk with cocoa powder and a banana

- milk with a banana, and a spoonful of maple syrup and a dash of vanilla (DECADENT)

- peaches and cream

- steamed winter squash with a splash of cream and maple syrup and a dash of nutmeg (pumpkin pie-like treat)

You could even get exotic with ingredients like rose water or cinnamon or nuts.

Have fun! I am.